Blazing New Triails: My Journey with Dr.Gates
Hey everyone, I wanted to share an update about my new neurologist, Dr. Gates. I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to work with him. Back in April, I had my first appointment with Dr. Gates. Along with the usual HD-type tests, he also conducted an eye test, which was new for me. During our conversation, Fernando mentioned that he’d noticed that I had a stiff neck and a peculiar way of turning my head. The eye test and other evaluations revealed a weakness on my left side, which was mind-blowing to discover. On that first appointment Dr. Gates gave me some simple brain exercises to do throughout the day, and he also recommended a vitamin to help manage my stress and keep me calm. Dr. Gates also put me on a very strict anti-inflammatory paleo diet for the first four weeks, similar to an elimination plan, to identify which foods affected me negatively. I met with him weekly during this period, and every week I saw significant improvements. By my last appointment, I had...